Martin Digital Book Publishing and Paperback Print Publishing for Authors

Publish your book fast. Count on Martin Digital Publishers & Paperback Print Publishing to get it done right. Get Published™

About Us

How Long Does it Take to Publish My Book?

That's the question we get most often. How long does it take to publish my online book or paperback book? 24-72 hours online and up to 7 days for paperback books. 

Do you help me edit? We certainly can. We also have an Ad Agency, so we are very adept at edits. 

Are you expensive? 

We have plans to fit every budget. Whether you are a new author or a previously published author, we can help you. 

Online Digital Publishing Books Sold on Major Outlets including Amazon and Worldwide Sales Outlets

We will publish you in the USA or worldwide and get you on major outlets for sales including Amazon and many others. Your book will get exposure from day one of submitting your book to Martin Digital Publishers and paperback Print Publishing. 

CONTACT US: Your book published online in 24-72 hours. Get your paperback done in 7 days or less.

Call us at (682) -229-7476 or our west coast publishing division (323) 480-4500